Gift Cards

Original gift!

This is a physical gift card that ships in the mail. Never expire.

Each gift card is valid for 2-8 persons in one game.

Welcome to the EXIT/SALIDA – Trapped in the Museum escape game! Imagine that the warden accidentally locks you in a museum.

Could you find your way out?

This exciting interactive exhibition will test your problem solving skills, ingenuity and attention to detail, all while having fun!

2 persons

2 persons

Are you looking for an original plan to surprise your partner?

El precio original era: € 65,00.El precio actual es: € 50,00.Add to Cart

3 to 5 persons

3-5 persons

They will have a GREAT time!

 65,00Add to Cart

6 persons

6 persons

Could they find the way out?

 75,00Add to Cart

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